What we do

Shaping confidence in a digital world

Our goal is to help our clients to be effective corporate communicators, and to find solutions to the problems they face. We do this using a variety of methods from simple, cost-effective tools to crisis training and workshops.

Some clients come to us with a clear need or plan. Others want us to help them work out where to start. In every case, we work hard to give people a practical learning experience that leaves them with the skills to engage effectively online, and the confidence to assert their authority and defend their reputation.

Some of our most high-profile work includes live rehearsals for major events, involving counter-terrorism teams, airports and financial institutions. Our world-leading software platforms bring scenarios and learning to life, but our model is based on understanding people and helping them solve the issues they face, not selling licences.

Empowering people to use their skills and assert their voice

From government and military agencies to social housing providers and energy firms, we help teams to find their most trusted voices from within the organisation. Through coaching, training and careful planning we encourage these voices to extend their impact on social media.

Rather than a one-size-fits-all approach, we adjust our training formats and platforms to suit localised needs, contexts and audience needs. This is especially important for social media, where different online behaviours demand a considered approach.

We take the time to listen to our clients, and we encourage them to do the same with theirs. This ensures that every part of the process is targeted, tailored and effective, with long lasting results.

Our values