If you’re unable to come to work due to illness, it’s essential that you follow guidance so that we can support you, and manage your absence. In the event you are too sick to work, you must:
- Notify your manager by telephone (not email or text) no later than half an hour after your normal start time
- Advise your manager of any outstanding work that needs attention
- Keep in touch with your manager during your absence
- Complete a self-certification form when you return to work
- Provide a doctor’s note if your absence exceeds seven days
- Complete a return-to-work interview where necessary
In terms of the impact on your salary and holiday:
- Statutory Sick Pay (SSP) is paid from the fourth calendar day of absence for up to 28 days in line with current legislation
- Depending on the circumstances, you may be entitled to Occupational Sick Pay for a maximum of five working days
- If you get sick during your holiday, you can take the time off sick instead, so long as you can provide a valid fit for work certificate to cover all the days you are absent. You’ll be entitled to sick pay and can then take your holiday another time
Further details about sickness absence and pay entitlements are in your employment contract.