Equality and diversity
Celebrating difference and providing space for all to thrive
As individuals and a company, we all benefit from the insights and creativity that come from a diverse working environment where everyone feels empowered to be themselves. Collaboration lies at the heart of what we do and is key to our success. We want people to feel free to share their perspectives and experiences.
We constantly strive to create a productive environment that is representative of and responsive to different cultures and groups, where everyone has an equal chance to succeed.
We will also support and respect everyone’s right to their religious faith, beliefs, practices or none. If that means you need space or time to practice a personal or private ritual, talk to your line manager and we’ll see what we can do.
This respect for everyone’s freedom of practice and choice extends to how we treat each other, and what we expect from you. For instance, we all have a part to play in:
- Avoiding imposing our views
- Avoiding violent action or language, threats, manipulation, improper inducements or the misuse of any kind of power
- Respecting the rights of others to disagree
In implementing these principles, there might be a time when certain behaviour and attitudes need to be challenged if they prevent us from achieving our ambitions. Using fair, objective and innovative employment practices, our aim is to ensure that:
- All employees and potential employees are treated fairly and with respect at all stages of their employment
- All employees have the right to be free from harassment and bullying of any description, or any other form of unwanted behaviour, regardless of the reasons for it
- All employees have an equal chance to contribute and to achieve their potential, irrespective of any defining feature that may give rise to unfair discrimination
We have a comprehensive Equal opportunities policy and Diversity policy that we encourage you to familiarise yourself with.